If you’ve noticed that your water bills have increased, you might be wondering what’s caused this and if its an internal issue within your home. There are many reasons as to why your water bills could have increased; from excessive people living or staying in your property, to seasonal changes, to more appliances being used. One of the most common reasons why your water bills are increasing is because of a hidden internal leak. With most of us doing our best to cut costs and save money on our water bills, we need to be aware of what could be causing them.

Here at Specialist Leak Detection have put together this post, to outline why your high water bills could be a potential sign of an internal leak. Specialist Leak Detection is the leading provider of leak detection services across the south of England, offering a same day trace, access and repair service all under one roof – with a 99.8% success rate in finding leaks in properties. If you’d like to learn more, keep reading and for further information on our leak detection services in Ampthill – be sure to visit our website today. 

Why Is your Water Bill so High?

Water bills can rise for many reasons, but one of the most common and prevalent reasons for high water bills is an internal leak. You might not even have realised that your home has a leak, or thought of this as one of the potential factors. Leaks can raise water bills because when pipes leak, water flows continuously through our system even when we aren’t using our appliances. 

This could explain why your water bills might have increased, due to the water that is being wasted in your home. If your home does have a leak, the longer that it stays undetected the more it’ll drive up your water bills. Its essential that if you think there might be a leak in your property, that you get it checked out swiftly before your bills increase further and the leak causes further damage to your property.

What Are Common Signs of a Leak?

Although leaks can be difficult to detect, there are some signs to look out for that indicate that your home might have a hidden leak. One of the obvious signs is high water bills, which we have discussed above. Other common signs to look out for are sounds of dripping, a loss in water pressure, potholes or sinkholes appearing, and wet or damp patches in your home or garden.

If you leave a hidden leak undetected in your home, it can cause a whole host of issues and cause problems in your home. Leaks can seriously damage the interior and exterior of our home, causing structural damage, and affect our roofs, ceilings and walls which will cost thousands to repair and drive down the value of your home. 

They can also lead to mould growth and rot, which can be extremely damaging to your home as well as affect your families health. Small, minor leaks are affordable to fix, but if you leave your leak undetected and it gets worse then it can be a lot more costly to repair as well as causing your home more damage which means it will cost more money to fix.

Think You Might Have a Leak in your Home in Ampthill?

We hope that this post has helped you learn more about why your high water bills could be a sign of an internal leak, how to spot the signs and what a leak could cause. If you think that you might have a leak in your home in Ampthill, then why not contact our team of experts at Specialist Leak Detection

We provide services across the south of England with our professional leak detection services, and we are able to find all types of leaks whether they be from your mains supply, heating system, water feed or anywhere else. We have over 15 years of experience providing both homeowners and businesses with our leak detection services, so you can trust our team of skilled engineers to find the hidden leak in your home. 

We combine experience and specialist equipment, to perform leak detection with a success rate of 99.8% of finding leaks in homes and businesses alike. Our expert team uses the most up to date technology and equipment from all across the world that isn’t available elsewhere, to detect your leak, and then provide you with an insurance catered report and fix your leak too. All of our leak detection services are affordable, providing you with excellent value for money and saving you potentially thousands in the long run if your leak was left undetected.

Get in Touch with our Team Today

To learn more about our leak detection services in Ampthill, get in touch with our team at Specialist Leak Detection today. We welcome you to fill out our online contact form, or alternatively to give us a call on 0800 414 8511 or send us an email to info@specialistleakdetection.co.uk